I love both these cities regardless of what I hear about New York these days. I do admit there are plenty of places in this country I have yet to experience. It would be hard to imagine that any other US city could impress me more than New York or New Orleans. Both have a great food, culture, history, and just a distinct feel about them. After a lot of pondering, I ask myself New York or New Orleans…which is the best city in the United States?
Let me preface this post by saying I haven’t been to either of these spots in a few years, just before the world imploded. I was in New York during the beginning stages of Covid and that was just a trip. Rumors fly from people who still live as to what remains and what has changed. I find it difficult to believe that either of these places could have changed so drastically that I would dislike them. One thing I know for certain, if you are a foreigner traveling to the U.S. for the first time or live here and just want to explore the United States both New Orleans and New York need to be on the top of your list. No offense to other great U.S. cities like Washington DC, Charleston, or Boston, these are the two best cities America has to offer.
I will break this down by food (of course), history, atmosphere, things to do, and overall feel. Full disclosure I grew up outside of New York so there may be some biased in this writing. Still as of today I don’t know which way I lean, but hopefully (for your sake) when I put words to paper, I will work this all out. Without further ado, let me answer which is the best city New Orleans or New York: First up food!
New York or New Orleans: Food
This is a tough one, both offer some very distinct and outstanding cuisine. Each city has a good Italian scene (NY better), yet I feel this is where they splinter. Let me start with New Orleans, the more unique of the two. Maybe it is just strange to me, since I did not grow up on their cuisine. Creole/Cajun food is something special, when done right. New Orleans, does it right, as you might have guess.

Let me start with Gumbo, a slightly spicy soup/stew which can contain everything from Seafood, Gator, pork chicken, an old shoe, the whole nine. Not something I grew up on, yet something I love. The best place to get it is either Mr. B’s or more expensively Commander’s palace. Locals will tell you the best place is their mom’s kitchen, but we can’t just start knocking on doors. Stay away from the Gumbo Shop, it is a tourist trap.
Jambalaya is an American Creole and Cajun dish of French, African, and Spanish influence, consisting mainly of meat and vegetables mixed with rice (Thank you Wikipedia). Best spot for this is Coop’s Place, at least in this tourist’s opinion. The stuff is truly addictive.
Of course, I need to mention Beignets, Cafe Du monde is the go-to, but Cafe Beignet will do in a pinch. I never had a bad one at either spot. Add to this, all the amazing seafood (best oysters in the world and I tried them on 4 continents). Crawfish if they are in season and my personal favorite Alligator and you have something special.
I will keep going, I can’t forget the Po Boys, especially at Killer Po Boys, the turtle soup, Banana Foster, I am gaining weight just writing this. I know I am forgetting a bunch of fodd items. New Orleans might just have the best food in the country… then again.
New York Food…
As much as I love the food in New Orleans, New York just beats it. Me growing up in New York makes me bias, but there is just so much to offer in this city. I wouldn’t say New York has a unique cuisine the way New Orleans does. Although certain items such as Cheesecake, do feel more New York than any other city. Also, the Pizza is the best in the world, and I love Italy.
What New York does best is having the most authentic version of foreign foods in the country. Italian, best in the country, Chinese top five in the country, Indian, Middle Eastern. You name it they have it and it (almost) tastes like it does in the country of origin.

Now take that, add to this the classic items such as bagels, pizza…. you know the thing (guess that reference). Then we have croughnuts, crazy milkshakes, hell even the BBQ is great. It just out works New Orleans.
On top of all this… New York has the most Michelin star restaurants in the country. Plus, the most 3-star Michelin star restaurants as well. All this and that beautiful egg sandwich on the chewy roll you only get in a New York Deli…Sorry New Orleans your food is awesome, but point New York
History New York or New Orleans
I will keep this section short, if you wanted a middle school history lesson you would Google the history of New York, or New Orleans like I did. New York is a historic city and rightfully so. Wall Street, Ellis Island, not to mention all the major events New York has seen. New York is old, tracing its roots to 1653 (when it was an official city). Even so it has a newer feel. Being the financial capital of the world, everything has a more modern sense. Yes, there is a lot of history in New York, I just don’t feel overwhelmed by it.
Maybe it isn’t that New Orleans has better history, it is about 75 years younger. Perhaps I just find it more interesting (and it is more in your face). Between the pirates and the multiple wars fought over the area there is a lot to learn about. New Orleans sometimes feels like a separate country with its own distinct story.
It can be seen in every nook of the city. From the old, haunted hotels, the houses that look as if they were built 100-years ago. Even the graveyards are interesting and give the city an ancient feel. I am aware that there are entire areas of New Orleans that have a more modern look, but overall, the city feels historic, so if this is something you are interested in than I recommend trying it out.
Point for History buffs: New Orleans
Who has a better Atmosphere New York or New Orleans?
Both cities are not exactly safe these days, but New Orleans has a higher crime rate. I do not think that matters, especially if you’re smart about where and when you go. New York and New Yorkers on a whole were never the friendliest people. In my post here, I wrote that the people were one of the main things I hated about New York. The surroundings of New York are cold, it is a big city, and there are a lot of different looks. Overall, it has a very “get the fuck out of here” attitude.

Times Square is just a mob of people with a million different tourist traps. In fact, it is one of those places that should be avoided all together. There are other neighborhoods that are nicer, but the entire atmosphere is dirty and hectic. Add to this the terrible homeless problem, which seemed a bit more noticeable than New Orleans. I haven’t visited either since Covid I guess ended? Just from the word on the street New York is even dirtier grittier than before.
Outside of Bourbon Street and some of the worse areas the city has a nice atmosphere. First the Garden district gives me a peaceful feeling I just don’t get in New York. The Trolley adds to the environments as do the old homes that line the streets. New Orleans has an old European sense to it, like a blast from the past. Steamboats, interesting graveyards, cobble stone streets all create a great environment to get so drunk you can’t walk. In deciding what is better New York or New Orleans in terms of atmosphere/beauty I give the nod to New Orleans.
What Has More To do New York or New Orleans?
This one isn’t even close… New York. I might as well elaborate you did open this page. I do not see how one could ever get bored in New York. It has everything, including homeless people peeing in the middle of Penn Station, but I digress. Broadway, amazing museums (probably the best in America), hell there is even Coney Island. Plus, the nightlife is second to none, not like New Orleans is lacking in this department either.
The city has something for everyone. Unless you are an avid hunter, ok so not everyone. The best shopping in the country. The best restaurants, the best of so many things. Plus, it is huge, walking around can keep one entertained for days. I didn’t even mention the Speakeasy’s which I still get a kick out of.
New Orleans is fun, do not get me wrong. The World War 2 museum is amazing, and the New Orleans Museum of Art is also spectacular. Neither compared to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Natural history museum in New York. Yes, there are Ghost tours (which I weirdly love) and steamboats to ride, but I mostly start drinking at around 8am. Of course, the music is fantastic in this town, Frenchmen Street is one of the best experiences in the country. Still New York on a whole has a ton more to do. Winner: New York
Overall Feel
Like atmosphere, but not really the same. Which city just feels better? It might sound weird, but I get a sense of a city as soon as I step on the street. Maybe I am turning into a hippy, but every great place has a certain energy about it. That is why Charlotte is not great, there is no energy. Which of these two greats cities has a better energy? Of course, New Orleans.
Let me start with New York to explain further. Yes, New York has awesome food and yes there are a million things to do. The problem is that it is “hard’ for a lack of a better word. I am not sure if it is the crowds or the people mentioned earlier, but there is this stress level that I can’t put my finger on. Being from New York (ok some would call the farm that is Long Island). I have enough experience there. It feels like a never-ending fight, from the brutal winters to the attitudes of the people. Stress comes to mind when I think of New York.
New Orleans is just the opposite, at least in my experience. It is relaxed. I found myself in the most local of local bars, and everyone was welcoming. New Yorkers look down on outsiders yet people from New Orleans welcome them…this is the difference in a nutshell. That realization just hit me. The city has a great feel because on a whole people are nicer. Drivers, bartenders, and the guy drinking next to you.
It also doesn’t hurt that this city feels like it is celebrating every day. Nice, happy people always celebrating with great music. Compared to New York, cold, mean people with an attitude. Sorry New Yorkers, but I can say it, since I was born there.
It is for these reasons that with a heavy heart I have to say if there is a battle of two great cities New Orleans is better. I can’t believe I am writing this myself.
My Personal Choice for the Best City in The Country: New Orleans