Japan is so far from the United States. Japan is also so darn expensive. Is Japan worth Visiting? These are the concerns I hear from people about traveling to Japan. The question of whether Japan is worth visiting does not have a straightforward answer. I believe it would be better if I answer this question with a bunch of questions back to you. My mother always hated when I did that, being an English teacher and all. Still to discover if Japan is worth visiting for you, you need to answer some questions about your travel style.
Is Japan worth Visiting? This is a loaded question. For me, the answer is a resounding yes. I love the strangeness, respect, food and really everything about Japan. If you are seasoned traveler and want to get out of your comfort zone, but still be safe, Japan is certainly worth visiting.
I say there are questions one needs to ask, because what might be worth it for some people, might not be worth it for others. Let me break down the costs and time of going to Japan. You judge if Japan is worth visiting for yourself
Cost/Hassel of Visiting Japan
I won’t go into a big break down of the cost of visiting Japan, I wrote a whole post on this topic here, in my article entitled The Cost of Traveling to Japan, hit the link for more details. To give you a spoiler from that post, the entire trip was about $6000 for two people soup to nuts…, you can check out my breakdown on the link provided. From my experience this is about two thousand more (at least) than traveling to a reasonable European destination. This coming from America, my Australian readers will have a different experience.
The point is the cost is more for Japan than most trips. Add to this the fact that Asia is far, I mean really far. If you are visiting, you are not going for a weekend or even a week. Traveling to Japan is a time commitment, it can be a 20+ hour total commute. That is a lot more than some can handle. So, is Japan worth visiting? Answer the below questions…
Are You a Seasoned Traveler or New to International Travel?
Look, let me be upfront, Japan is strange. Any time you visit a new country there is a bit of a culture shock. Hell, even the first time I went to Canada I was taken back. Japan is like driving a Lamborghini down the autobaud during your drivers ED class. Do not get me wrong, safety is never a concern in Japan. It is just a culture shock more than most other foreign countries.

A new traveler sometimes needs to be eased into seeing the world. Maybe start with an Ireland or Mexico and take it from there. I wouldn’t want to scare a would-be world traveler out of exploring the planet, by bringing them to a restaurant that served raw horse heart (a literal thing in Japan). Who am I to judge though? I went to Thailand for my first trip out of the country in 20 years, by myself (read about it here). Still, maybe ease yourself into Asia on a whole if you are new to travel.
On the other hand, a seasoned traveler may get bored of the beautiful calamari and olive oil of Europe and want to get that feeling of adventure they had when they first traveled internationally. In that case, Japan is worth visiting. Traveling for me is a rush at times, I love new experiences, one of the many reasons I love Japan. If you have been traveling for a while, you may need to ask yourself, is it time for something different?
Are You Looking to Relax?
I would not call Tokyo relaxing by any stretch of the imagination. Kyoto was a bit more comfortable, but nothing like roaming the streets of Italy or the beautiful coastline of Santorini. You can read about my comparison of the two Japanese cities here. Japan on a whole is a lot of hustle and bustle. Tokyo especially is crowded and almost manic at times. The lights of Shinjuku and the buzz of the city can be overwhelming. If your idea of a vacation is moving from one pool to the next, maybe Japan is not for you.
I have not even mentioned the trip over there. Going to Tokyo, your energy levels will be depleted just from the long flight and train ride. Imagine sitting next to some well-nourished gentlemen in a middle seat for 20 hours. Dealing with multiple layovers etc. Then navigating a new train system to get you from the airport to the area your hotel is in. Finally, flagging down a cab, praying he speaks enough English to get you to your destination. We almost got kicked out of a taxi because he couldn’t understand us. You may need to snort 5 B-vitamin shots just to have enough energy to finish the day.
On the other hand, if you love adventure, then I believe Japan has a lot to offer. The food itself is completely different, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. There is so much to do in Japan, even if one just sticks to Tokyo or Kyoto. You can be moving nonstop. Temples, nightlife, monkeys, Japan is a ball of energy. There are also a ton of other cities one can visit from Osaka to Kobe…never a dull moment. Some love that, others may not. Is Japan worth visiting? Depends on what you want from a trip.
How are Your Resources?
By resources I do not just mean cash. I touched upon the cost earlier, but it bears repeating that Japan is more expensive for those of us that live in America than visiting Europe. You may like Japan more than Greece, but will you like it 50% more to make it worth the cost? Will you like it more than possibly two different trips? I am assuming in these scenarios that you are working with a finite amount of resources. Doing a cost comparison can help you maximize your world travel.
We in America also have to worry about time off from our jobs. Most don’t get a month off to see the world like so many in Europe. Going to Japan make take a years’ worth of your PTO, whereas you may be able to take two or three trips going to closer destinations. You are really going to need at least 10 days after taking into consideration flight time and rest after travels. Strangely, we got back earlier than we left due to the time difference, but getting there will eat up a couple of days.
If you are a master budgeter and PTO wizard like me, you can make a good argument for going to Japan. Different companies do give good time off, in which you can afford to splurge a little on your vacation. Everyone is in a different circumstance and has different priorities, you can make Japan happen if it is important to you. Just know it will most likely cost more time and money than other international trips.
What Interests You?
I loved my time in Japan, but each person must look at their own interests and decide for themselves. Some people love old churches and Mediterranean food. Others like to gamble or sit by a beach. Given the investment in Japan you need to take an even harder look as to what you like and do not like.

I understand why there is such a split view on Japan, it is not for everyone. I am the type of person that thrives on novelty, it is what made me love Japan. You may want something more familiar, which is fine as well. To each his own. To answer the question is Japan worth visiting, you need to love great food, history, and culture. Yet these will all most likely be different from what you are used to. Japan is a whirlwind of fun, just know what you are getting into.
Conclusion: Is Japan worth visiting?
For me yes, the juice is worth the squeeze. Ask yourself the questions above and you should be able to find out if Japan is worth visiting for you. If you say yes and Japan lines up with your idea of fun, you are in for a treat. The food, the culture it is like no place else in the world. Japan is worth visiting for me, I hope you feel the same way about this wonderful country if you decide to take your trip.