This post is a long time coming. I have been going to Charleston for years and it has a special place in my heart; amongst my favorite reasons, this is where my wife and I got married. We have spent many weekends exploring the city (and prepping for the wedding). Since then, we have continued to return to the city throughout the years, once even on Christmas day. Needless to say, I love this city. The last time we went was last month, and once again, we had a great time. To be fair there are some drawbacks to this classic town, but for me the charm of the city keeps me coming back. Listed below are the reasons why.
The Food in Charleston is Amazing

Certain cities in the United States are food destinations such as New York and New Orleans. Charleston should be added to this list, it should be a destination for anyone who owns a mouth. Like other food destination cities, there are certain dishes I would only get in Charleston. My favorite being She-Crab soup. I would bathe in this stuff if it were socially acceptable. A rich, creamy broth, with chunks of crab and added sherry that gives the soup a nice burn. This is one of those items that can’t be (or shouldn’t be) had outside of Charleston. My two spots are Middleton Place Plantation which is somewhat of a drive, and Amen Street Fish and Raw Bar. There may be natives who stumble upon this site and have a better spot, pray-tell me about it..
Another item that seems to have been born here is shrimp and grits. Two simple ingredients and such a deadly combination. I had it last month, at High Cotton. This restaurant is highly recommended for all meals, they can make a shoe taste good.
All in all, there are so many good restaurants, with so many good items, that one section can’t begin to capture it. I very rarely have a bad meal in Charleston, when I do my wasted hunger is a greater loss than the money.
One additional thing I love about the town is they have a great bar scene. My favorite is Thoroughbreds Lounge, inside the Charleston Place Hotel. The open setting, combined with the piano player makes for a very cool atmosphere. The drinks are also wonderful, as is the sweet, savory, spicy nuts they put on the table. The Gin Joint is another bar that I attempt to get to at least once a trip. A bit small inside, but it has a great atmosphere with some very nice drinks. These are just two of many great bars in Charleston.

After all these cocktails you may want to eat again. Pizzeria Di Giovanni serves a pie the size of a football field. It wasn’t New York Pizza, but it hit the spot. Speaking of wanna be New York Pizza avoid the place with the name New York City Pizza on Bay Street, after eating a slice here I finally found out what they did with all those horse droppings from the carriages.
Charleston has Great History

Whether you want to see where the civil war started, Fort Sumter, or you just want to look at old southern mansions and plantations, Charleston is your place. This is one of the oldest and historically significate cities in the United States. Charleston is ranked as the 11th oldest city in the U.S., and is as important as any in the country.
Just walking around the city is like going back in time. Stroll through the streets and admire the old homes. Walk down Rainbow Row and enjoy the street or make your way to the marketplace, which has an terrible history, but now sells local products with a museum underneath. Walk to The Battery, where you can overlook the Atlantic, and spot Fort Sumter on a clear day. I would recommend taking a short walking tour, the history can be so subtle you may miss something.
For the braver soul learn about the cities haunted past. We have taken two tours now, one a walking ghost tour, which taught us as much about the city as it did scare us. The second was something that had us rethinking our sanity. We took a tour of the old Charleston jail, where a number of local famous criminals died. The woman who lead the tour is either a liar, a crazy or a brave badass (my vote is the latter). The stories she told would make me rethink my career choices if I were her. Of course, on the other hand, she also offers a private ghost study at 2 AM, that I may be crazy enough to check out…
Charleston is Beautiful

Whether it is Christmas in Charleston or the dead of the summer I feel like I am in a Hallmark movie when exploring the city. It almost looks fake at times; no city can be this perfect. Expensive shops and galleries line Meeting Street. You have horse and buggy tours pulling people around town. In once section there is water, other parts of town there are picturesque plantations. The area is truly like a painting. It is also one of the cleanest places I have ever been too, that is saying a lot with the amount of people (and horses) on the streets.
It is no wonder why we (and thousands more) chose to get married in this town. I can think of no better back-drop. We got married in the center, at the Mills House hotel. For this reason, we always at least stop by for a drink every time we return.
For a more rustic feel, check out the Middle Place Plantation (mentioned early regarding their she-crab soup). Just walking around the grounds is beautiful, on a cool day, I can spend hours wandering the trails. I even saw a tiny alligator swimming in one of the lakes. Where there are small alligators there are big ones so watch your step.
Negatives about Charleston: It is Expensive
Charleston is unnecessarily expensive. Yes, I love this town, but some weekends we are talking $400 + for a room in downtown Charleston. There have been times when our trip cost more than a trip to Istanbul, with flight.
The meals aren’t much of a deal either. Yes, the food is great, but expect to drop $150 on a dinner for two. Drinks, around $15 a pop in most places. During the week you can find some good happy hour deals, I try and ramp up my drinking in this time frame.
The Parking Racket
On top of the stomach-turning cost of the hotel, almost all decide to screw you even more by charging around $30/night to park…at their hotel. This for those who didn’t parachute through the window.
To make matters worse, some of the independent lots are owned by criminals. Example: During this last trip we parked in a lot behind the Hilton run by the scumbag behind the Hilton. Every morning I would pay the $8 a day as advertised. So how surprised was I to find that me and everyone else in the lot had their car booted? So, when this idiot gets there, I show him the money that is still partially in the slot. He says he doesn’t care and proceeds to charge us $50 anyway. Then, charges my wife’s card for the last day of parking, after he booted us and stole our money!
This is such a common theme that the local news did a story on it, of course city officials could care less, half of them are probably on the take.
Other than these annoyances. I can think of no reason why you shouldn’t visit this city, park accordingly and thoughtfully.
Charleston, South Carolina is among a small handful of cities that should be visited by all Americans. It is the perfect place for a long weekend and has something for everyone. Beaches, hiking, great food, it is just an all-around great city.