Three months ago, I went back to my home state of New York. These days it is a different experience, with less crowds and more restrictions. Even with the alterations some things have not changed. Everyone will tell you what to do in NYC, but not as many will tell you what not to do in New York City. New York is a special place with its own set of rules. It is definitely “harder” in many ways than the rest of the country. Having said this, it is not as bad as many make it out to be.
It is just that New Yorkers are a “special” type of people. I bet you did not know this, but New York city is the best most wonderful place in the universe, just ask most New Yorkers. Ok, in reality it is a great city with a lot to offer, especially for first time visitors. I love and miss it, look at my posts here and here to read more. There are a certain number of rules one should abide by to have the best trip possible. Below are my 16 things not to do in New York city.
1. What Not to Do in NYC: Only Seeing Midtown Manhattan (Especially Times Square)
Everyone is going to tell you this so I might as well add my two cents…explore Midtown and spend a brief moment in Times Square and then move on. Midtown and especially Times Square is always the first stop for tourists. People gawk and spend entirely too much time being dazzled by bright lights. I get it, all the familiar restaurants are there. Elmo is also there ready to cuddle, and there are more fanny packs than you can shake a stick at. The area is not intimidating.
Do this and you miss the best parts of the city. My recommendation, after glancing at the bright lights take a cab (or a long, long walk) to Greenwich Village, down Bleeker street. Explore Chinatown, explore the East village, anywhere that has some personality. This is where the best bars are, the food is also some of the best on Manhattan in these areas.
2. What Not to do in New York City: Annoy New Yorkers While on the Street
Please get the hell out of the way when walking down the street. This is not Mayberry, do not wander slowly while looking at the big buildings. We have places to be and you are holding us up. Also do not just stop short to check your phone, map, etc… you will get bumped into. This also goes for crosswalks, jaywalking is encouraged, please do not wait for the light to change if there is no one coming. On the other hand, do not just dart into traffic either. There is a happy medium which you are expected to learn.
On escalators stay to the right, hug it like it is going away to war. As Seinfeld said, these are not rides in Disneyland, we prefer you walk. If not, at least get out of our way.
3. What Not to do in New York City: Give to the Homeless
I know it seems like the humanitarian thing to do but giving to the homeless only amplifies the problem. There are times even I have broken this rule, especially if it is a woman or a child. Having said this the homeless can get somewhat aggressive. Many are mentally ill, and you want to limit your interactions with them. I am not trying to sound cruel and uncaring, just the opposite. Feel free to donate to the local New York homeless shelter or if someone needs food do not feel guilty about buying them a sandwich. Too many times the money given to them will get used on drugs and alcohol, this is not something that needs to be encouraged.
4. What Not to do in New York City: Eat Chain Food
I mentioned this story here, in the article about traveling with your partner, but it bears repeating. Me and an ex were hungry and frustrated after waiting in a long line. All of a sudden, she takes off from me and starts marching toward Olive Garden. I think that was the end of the 6-year relationship.
The point is you do not go to one of the best food cities in the world and eat the same garbage you can get near any mall in America. Stomach space is as valuable a commodity in New York as time and money. Every wasted bite prevents part of an Ess-a-bagel from entering your system. You need to get out of your comfort zone, not only when traveling to New York, but wherever you go. If I can eat a bag full of crickets in Thailand, you can go find some soup dumplings instead of P.F. Chang’s. Here are some ideas as to where to eat in New York city.
5. What Not to do in New York City: Let someone with a clip board talk to you (especially in Midtown)

Here you are minding your own business and suddenly, your friendly every day man comes wandering by. He starts up a conversation with you and maybe hands you a “free” T-shirt or hat. This man is not your buddy; he is not your everyday New Yorker…this man wants something from you and it is not pleasant conversation. He claims to work for some organization, but who knows. Even I fall for this occasionally, usually I end up giving him a few bucks just to go away. You are better off being rude, let him get the money from the next guy.
6. What Not to do in New York City: Dress Like a Tourist
Please do not walk around wearing a fanny pack, cargo shorts, and a free T-shirt. You can wear whatever you want really, but I reserve the right to look at you and shake my head. Why not represent the area you are coming from with a little class. We most likely will figure out you are a tourist eventually, but no need to wear a billboard around your neck.
This will have the added distinction of keeping scam artists and beggars at bay. People with clipboards and Elmo’s do not usually come up to New Yorkers. They look for the guy wearing a Jim’s BBQ T-shirt and socks pulled up to his knees. Do not be that guy.
7. What Not to do in New York City: Wear Red Sox or Cowboys Gear:
Speaking of what not to wear…if I see one Cowboy shirt or Red Sox hat, I may flip my lid. Stereotyping is frowned upon these days, but you Cowboy fans are terrible people. If the Giants are playing please take your Cowboys jersey and flush it down the toilet. The Red Sox are worse… nobody needs or wants to see those ugly hats. I have never been one to have enough passion behind my team to invoke violence because of a jersey. Having said this, keep the gear in the closet just in case my attitude changes. For me Patriots gear is fine since Eli whipped up on you guys in two Super bowls.
8. What Not to do in New York City: Only Visit Manhattan
Manhattan has wonderful food and culture and no one could blame you if you spent all your time here. If you want to experience more of the true New York, you need to escape the Island. I am not sure if I can recommend the Bronx, it can be a bit rough these days. I will say the best food in the city is probably in Brooklyn. The pizza especially is in a league of its own. Although you will not be ordering slices, the best places give you the whole pie. If you are in New York for any extended period, do not be afraid to leave Manhattan, you will be surprised as to what you will find.
9. What Not to do in New York City: Expect Politeness
Sorry New Yorkers, you know this to be true. We are not known for being courteous, by any standards. New Yorkers are either yelling at you or ignoring you, depends on what YOU did. I remember bringing someone to New York for the first time and she was almost in tears because some old guy got yelled at in a bagel store. He did not care, but she was horrified. I have a thousand stories like this, it could be a real eye-opening experience if you are not used to it. So, do not expect people to say “hi” to you on the street. Do not make eye contact in the subway. Just know that all the rumors are true, New Yorkers can be a bit rude.
10. What Not to do in New York City: Forget to Bring Cash
In most of the country you can get away with just using a credit or debit card. I have gone months here in Charlotte without using cash. New York is a different story. I am not going to say that it is due to the terrible tax burden that has plagued New York (but it is). The result is a ton of restaurants only take cash. While it is true that there are ATMS, instead of scouring the street for one or being surprised when the bill comes, always have enough cash on hand.
11. What Not to do in New York City: Take Safety for Granted
New York USED to be a very safe place. They recently got wrapped up in all this defund the police garbage and crime has gotten out of control. Obviously, there are certain neighborhoods that one never wants to go in, even during the good times. Now crime is more prevalent, it is not crazy to see needles on the streets or drugs being done in the parks. It is a shame that the city has elected leaders that are so poor at their jobs they will not provide basic safety to the visitors and residents. You most likely will be OK, but still follow some basic safety rules. Read more about them in my article here.
12. What Not to do in New York City: Only Rely on Transportation
I love walking the streets of New York. There is an energy in New York that I just do not get from other cities I have been to. If you just take public transportation or taxis, you will miss out on a lot. New York is not only about the attractions like the Empire State Building, it is about all the things you see and hear that you do not experience in other places. A bonus is that you can stop and grab a dirty dog from any hot dog cart every 50 ft or so (and then hit a toilet every 100ft).
13. What Not to do in New York City: Forget to Keep Your Bearings
In relation to the last tip, since New York is such a walkable city you want to make sure you know where you are going. I have been to New York a million times, since before GPS was on our phones to help us out. What is funny New York is one of the easiest cities to navigate, but it is also easy to get turned around. Even lately I have walked for blocks in the wrong direction because I was just not paying attention. There is so much to do and see that a momentary distraction can lead you astray. Just pay attention and you should be OK.
14. What Not to do in New York City: Eat Bad Pizza (or Bagels)

Like going to chain restaurants this one has to do with preserving stomach space. Everyone not from New York has this crazy notion that EVERY pizza place in New York is great. Then they grab a cold dollar slice and have the nerve to say that New York pizza is overrated. Yes, it is if you eat it from Times Square, but if you do even a bit of research you will not make such insults.
New York has the best pizza in the country. Period. It also has (probably) more pizza places per block then anyplace in the world. There are going to be a ton of bad ones, but on average it is much better. You may also get a bad slice at a good place, in which case there is not much you can do about that. Start with Joes Pizza or Prince Street pizza and you will not be disappointed. Also, what can be said about pizza can be said about bagels, do a bit of research before you eat.
15. What Not to do in New York City: Fall for Scams
Here is an obvious thing not to do in NYC, fall for scams. Scam artist love tourists. If you decided to sport your fanny pack scam artist will be salivating like Michael Moore watching a Wendy’s commercial. New York has plenty of scammers, especially where tourists are most likely to visit. I already mentioned the guy with the clipboard (who may just be annoying) but there are other more nefarious people out there. The so-called black cars, black Taxis that will pick you up and charge you double what a normal cab would. There are the usual suspects like pickpockets. People pretending to be ticket agents and selling fake tickets. Then of course there are the drunken Elmo’s and Mickey Mouses (among others) who love to shake you down for cash. These guys should not even be within 50 feet of a school. Keep your eyes open people and remember three card Monty is not a winnable game.
16. What Not to do in New York City: Only See the Major Attractions

Yes, go to see the Statue of liberty, the Empire State building and post all the selfies Instagram can hold. There are a lot of attractions in NYC that may not be so obvious but can be just as rewarding. Walk the Highline in Chelsea, go to the KGB Espionage Museum (which is open), or look for a great speakeasy. The comedy cellar is also a great choice. I feel like you can never get bored in NYC, if you are sick of dealing with thousands of tourists these smaller attractions will be a good way to entertain yourself.
Conclusion: 16 Things Not to Do in New York City
Those are my tips on what not to do in NYC, if you live in New York currently you may think I am crazy, or you may have other better tips. For tourists follow them if you want, these are just guidelines. New York can be a bit raw, but despite the idiot in charge, it is still the best city in the country.